Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Independent Reading Post #1

I am in the middle of a couple of books right now.  My junk food reading is a mystery called The Pursuit of the Proper Sinner by Elizabeth George.  I am on page 215.  Full disclosure, I have the whole mystery series twice already; I know, lame.  I can't help it.  I have tried to find other mysteries series to like as much, I just haven't found it yet. Anyway, the series focuses on five people and their intertwining lives as well as, of course, the mystery itself.  Elizabeth George is a master of creating mood and characterization.  When you read her mysteries, and this one is no exception, you become completely involved in the lives of the detectives as well as the characters touched by the murder (typically, it's a murder).  I often read these mysteries for pleasure - and even though I know kind of what happens - I don't care; I am completely transported by the characters, their thoughts, feelings, and the situations they are in.

I am also reading a book called Invisible Bridge by Ron (?) Perlstein.   I am on page 199.  This book is a narrative non-fiction which focuses on the end of Vietnam, Watergate, Nixon and the rise of Ronald Reagan. Many of you may not be familiar with any of these names but it was pivotal time in our nation's history.  The attitudes towards authority and government changed dramatically because of Watergate.  Watergate was the name used for all the illegal acts of Nixon and his administration (one of the burglaries authorized by Nixon took place in a DC hotel called Watergate).    Eventually, Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment.  I was middle school and high school when all this happened (1972-1980), and it is interesting to me to read it as an adult and understanding that time from a very different perspective.  I am also enjoying it because my husband and I are both reading it so we get to talk about it.  Mostly though, I enjoy the author's writing style, it's super engaging and even though the book is dense, I am only a quarter way through, it's interesting and I am learning a ton about that time period.  (both of these posts have to do with why I am enjoying these texts)